Wednesday, August 21, 2019


I’ve learned over the years to avoid trying to have rational discussions with people with agendas - religious, social, political or what have you. It doesn’t matter whether their agendas are kooky or reasonable. It doesn’t matter whether they themselves are smart or not. It doesn’t matter whether they are well-educate and well-read or not. Just the fact that they have an agenda is enough to preclude reasonable, productive discussions, which I define as discussion aimed at exploring alternative views, testing hypothesis against reality and seeking truth.

People with agendas display three common characteristics which generally make discussion with them fruitless:

Everything is interpreted through their agenda, as if that agenda is the only important or significant thing in the world and everything is shaped by it,

They are absolutely sure they are right, and anyone who doesn’t agree with them wholly is clearly wrong and/or deluded, if not downright evil, and

They not only ignore evidence that doesn’t support their position, they attack anyone who dares to offers such evidence, however sound it might be.

I was recently in a conversation with some people with a social justice agenda. The topic was the new facial recognition software increasingly in use. I commented that the algorithms were having more difficulty detecting and accurately identifying the faces of dark-skinned people than of Caucasians. The immediate response was that of course the algorithms were trained predominantly on white faces, reflecting the usual white bias in the culture, which might or might not be true. No one in the group, including me, had any actual knowledge of how the algorithms were trained, but that didn’t affect the certainty of the conclusion. Still, it was certainly a reasonable possibility.

But when I suggested that another issue might be the lower contrast of the features in a dark-skinned face, making it harder, especially with images from a low-resolution surveillance camera, for the algorithms to make the necessary measurements, this possibility was dismissed out of hand by those with an agenda. It didn’t fit the white bias narrative to which these people were emotionally committed, so it couldn’t possibly be a factor. And the fact that I alone of the group actually knew something about the algorithms and the physics involved carried absolutely no weight in the discussion. These were white, supposedly well-educated, liberals, by the way.

Unfortunately on most of the issues of real significance these days – issues which desperately need rational discussion and debate because they affect all our futures - it seems to me most people have an agenda.  Certainly most of the media reporters seem to, and that feeds and reinforces the agendas of their listeners.

Perhaps this has always been true of the majority of humans, a normal part of our (flawed) reasoning process. But one might have hoped that good education would train at least the intelligencia of the nation to learn to avoid these pitfalls. Looking at college campuses these days, I’m not so sure that is what is happening. Well, evolutionary processes will work their inexorable outcomes – if we as a nation fall into such irrational behavior, we may well eventually succumb to others who are wise enough (or lucky enough) not to make the same mistake. Nature and reality are hard taskmasters, and really don’t care what our agendas are.