Tuesday, July 3, 2007

People who never make mistakes

Have you ever noticed that class of people who never make mistakes. Whatever goes wrong (and lots always goes wrong for them) is always someone else’s fault, never their own. Never, never, never do you hear from their lips the words “Oops, I made a mistake”.

It took me years to realize what was going on here. These are people whose self- confidence and self-image are so poor that they simply can’t face admitting to a mistake. They will change history in their own minds to avoid facing the consequences of their own mistakes.

Since humans learn from their mistakes, it follows that people who can’t admit to their mistakes can’t learn from them either, which is why such people usually make so many bad decisions in their lives, and so often make the same bad decisions over and over again.

Whenever I meet someone who is always blaming others I know I am meeting someone with a poor self-image. Whenever I hear someone frankly admit to a mistake I know I am dealing with someone pretty healthy.