Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's pretty clear......

It’s pretty clear by now that a liberal resurgence has occurred in this election. I’m grateful for that, because America is healthiest when both parties are strong and vital, and the Democratic party has, until this election, appeared moribund for a couple of decades now (the Clinton years hardly count, because he was one of the best Republican presidents that the Democrats ever elected).

Perhaps the Republicans will be smart enough to go back to the drawing board and recover the original conservative Republican principles (smaller government, balanced budgets, pragmatic foreign policy) and dump the nutty right-wing religious and ideological baggage that has driven so many traditional Republicans from the party.

Of course, the Democrats have to show us something if they are to keep power – the Democratic-controlled Congress hasn’t been impressive over the past two years, and in fact has an even lower approval rating than President Bush. So President Obama needs to demonstrate that he can govern as eloquently as he speaks.