Thursday, November 26, 2009

Recommended: We Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Thanksgiving Day ought to be a time to be thankful for what we have, and we in America have a great deal for which to be thankful. So it may seem ungenerous on this day to recommend a pessimistic piece like Victor David Hanson's We Ain't Seen Nothing Yet. But in fact, lucky as we are to live in America today, we as a society are squandering our blessings at an irresponsible rate, as Hanson points out.

It is easy to gripe about this administration, or about the last one. It is easy to grumble about how clueless this Democratic Congress is, or how equally clueless the last Republican Congress was. But in fact we are a democracy, so the buck really stops with us - with we the voters who were unwise enough to put these people into power in the first place, and are now unwise enough to keep them there. We voters, who can be so easily lead by party labels, so easily bought by a few unrealistic promises, so easily seduced by clever campaign rhetoric, so easily distracted by emotional issues, so easily conned by professional spin doctors and image makers, so easily shaped by the network's talking heads.

Like some sports figures who have it all yet end up penniless, we in America have it all, and yet we are well on the way to letting our political leaders in both parties squander it all and leave us penniless and ruined.

Sorry for the pessimism on this day of thanksgiving, but I really would like my grandchildren to still have something to be thankful for when they grow up -- and for that to happen we the voters need to grow up, FAST, and begin to get real!