Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Recommended: ObamaCare at Any Cost

I recommend The Wall Street Journal's editorial ObamaCare At Any Cost, in today's issue. It's not an article that will please liberals, but I think it is fairly accurate. The health care bill has now become a "must pass" for the Democrats, however imperfect it may be. They have staked their reputation on passing something they can claim was health care reform, and can't back out now.

The "savings" in this bill have always been suspect. Now that all the accounting tricks used have been exposed, it is clear this bill will in fact add billions (or perhaps trillions) to our national debt over the next couple of decades. Congress is trying to tell us that they can insure 39 million more people, many of them with federal subsidies, and yet it will cost us less. That claim is ludicrous, and one wonders how dumb they think America taxpayers really are.