Sunday, February 7, 2010

Recommended: Charting Our Way to Solvency

I recommend George Will's article Charting Our Way to Solvency, in today's Feb 7, 2010 Washington Post. Unlike the Democrat's plan to restore national solvency (what plan??), here are some pretty innovative ideas. The devil is in the details, of course, and all of these ideas may not work out as expected, especially after they have been through the Congressional meat grinder, but nonetheless here is some original thinking at last!

The "Roadmap for America's Future" mentioned in the article can be found on Rep. Paul Ryan's site. Of course it involves getting rid of the tax breaks for all the special interests (including those of us who get a home mortgage deduction), it involves giving up liberal dreams of cradle-to-grave government subsidies, and it require reducing the size of government. Whether that could ever get through a Congress full of representatives whose campaigns are funded by all those same special interests is an interesting question.