Saturday, June 12, 2010

Doctor's Medicare pay cuts

Just a very few months ago, you may recall, the Democrats, led by President Obama, trumpeted how the new health care bill would save money. Democrats in Congress got the Congressional Budget Office to score their plan "revenue neutral" by promising 21% pay cuts to doctors in Medicare (the CBO has to score whatever proposal Congress gives them - they aren't allowed to complaint that the assumptions are unrealistic).

Now President Obama is asking Congress to pass a new bill that assures the doctors WON'T get the very 21% pay cut that Congressional Democrats assured us just a few months ago would make the health care bill not cost us anything. And the president is pulling out all the emotional stops - arguing that opponents of the bill are hurting older Americans, etc. etc.

Of course, they should pass the bill, because if they don't most doctors will just stop taking Medicare patients. But the hypocrisy of the president and Congressional Democrats on this issue is absolutely amazing. They must think the American public has the memory of a two year old -- and perhaps they are right!