Sunday, November 28, 2010

Recommended: Still The Best Congress Money Can Buy

Frank Rich has written an article Still The Best Congress Money Can Buy in the November 27, 2010 New York Times. In it he makes the point again that there is just too much money involved in government, and especially in the elected offices in Congress. Certainly from the outside it looks like this last session of Congress made sure the major sources of Democratic campaign money - Wall Street, big corporations and unions - got some fiscal relief, even if the rest of us didn't. That surely had something to do with money.

He references John Cassidy's New Yorker article What Good Is Wall Street?  Cassidy's article makes the point that I have made at times, that our best and brightest are drawn to the big money in socially-acceptable gambling on Wall Street, rather than to productive activities that actually create something of worth to the society.

None of these observations are new, nor is it clear what, if anything, can be done to remedy the situation. The very elected officials who might change the laws to solve the problem are in fact the beneficiaries of the status quo, and so certainly aren't about to kill their own golden goose.