Sunday, June 12, 2011

Recommended: Why the President Must Come Up With Demand-Side Solutions, And Not Go Over to the Supply Side

Clearly our current Keynesian economic policy isn't working. We have bailed out companies, backstopped banks, pumped a trillion dollars of "stimulus" into the economy, printed money (alias Quantitative Easing), and extended tax cuts -- and yet unemployment is still officially above 9% (and unofficially really at about 20+%), and growth has been almost non-existent the first part of this year. The administration keeps claiming (almost hysterically) that we are in recovery, but is sure isn't evident to most of us.

In that connection, Robert Reich's article Why the President Must Come Up With Demand-Side Solutions, And Not Go Over to the Supply Side is worth reading and thinking about.

Whatever we have been doing up to now simply isn't working (and this includes both Democratic "stimulus" spending and Republican tax cuts). It's time to try something else. As the famous Einstein definition goes: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."