Saturday, October 1, 2011

Recommended: Finally, The Cognoscenti Ask: What Could We Be Thinking?

Mark Steyn isn't one of President Obama's supporters, but having said that, his new piece on Finally, The Cognoscenti Ask: What Could We Be Thinking? is worth reading.

Lots of us drank the Cool-Aid in the last presidential election (myself included) and bought the "New Hope" and "Change in Washington" message. As Mark says:
You handed a multitrillion-dollar economy to a community organizer and you're surprised that it led to more taxes, more bureaucracy, more regulation, more barnacles on an already rusting hulk?
Well, the results aren't impressive. Nancy Pelosi kept Congressional politics at its usual civil-war, let's-screw-the-other-party-while-we-can level (and the Republicans are reciprocating now). The economy is going nowhere (except perhaps into a second dip), the federal deficit continues to climb with no plan or proposal from the President to do anything effective about the problem.

Perhaps we, the voters, should have been a little more savvy than to expect a junior Senator who never ran a business, never met a payroll, never governed a state to be able to run a nation the size of ours, especially during a recession. It would be a difficult job even for an experienced governor or legislator; we were naive to think an inexperienced person could do the job. Eloquence (which Obama certainty does have) is no substitute for experience.

In the end, as Aristotle said: "Every country gets the government it deserves". We wanted Obama, so we got him. Now we have to live with the consequences of our decision.