Thursday, November 17, 2011

Recommended: Obama Unbound

Victor David Hanson makes some interesting points in his Nov 14 posting Obama Unbound. In this surrealistic world of political double-think, a Constitutional lawyer (Obama) can flout the constitution and hardly cause a ripple, as in the case of military action in Libya. As Hanson says:
In other words, right-wing presidents can sometimes act left-wing, and left-wing presidents can act right-wing — to the embarrassed silence of their respective bases, but to the private delight of their greenlighting opponents.

We have no better examples of that irony than our two most recent presidents. George W. Bush was still damned as an uncaring reactionary by the Left even as he pushed for big-government programs such as No Child Left Behind and unfunded entitlements such as Medicare prescription-drug coverage. Barack Obama was alleged to be squishy about hunting down terrorists, even as he increased targeted assassinations tenfold and found plenty of opportunistic former legal critics of Bush’s national-security protocols to write justifications for them.