Friday, December 9, 2011

Recommended: Obama’s Campaign for Class Resentment

Charles Krauthammer has another one of his pungent but accurate pieces on National Review On-line: Obama’s Campaign for Class Resentment. His point is that, faced with a myriad of national problems, many stemming from liberal overindulgence (entitlement programs that are bankrupting us, ballooning size of the federal government, an "affordable housing" scheme that was financially unsupportable), all President Obama can find to blame is "the rich", and his only solution is to soak the rich some more.

President Obama is a smart man, smart enough to know that if he confiscated everything the richest 1% had, it would make hardly any difference in the federal deficit. So, since he surely knows that, he can only be playing the class warfare card for political gain, to keep his liberal base happy, not because he really believes it would solve the problem. I am certainly not thrilled with the potential Republican nominees, but I do have to wonder if we the voters would be better off without a president who simply refuses to address the real national problems.