Monday, April 16, 2012

Recommended: Strangers in a Strange Land

Victor Davis Hanson has written another of his insightful pieces: Stranger in a Strange Land, in which he ponders the daily rewriting of history going on in our political scene, much like the rewriting of history that used to go on in the old Soviet Union.

I too have wondered why things that were terrible, unconstitutional abuses (by President Bush) in Obama's campaign four years ago (like water boarding torture and Guantanamo prison in Cuba and executing people without trial with Predator drone missiles) are now not only acceptable, but even necessary and certainly legal and constitutional according to the same President Obama. I too wonder why the Supreme Court's rulings are wise and proper when they support Obama's positions, but capricious and "activist" when they threaten to oppose him. Foolish man that I am, I always thought the Supreme Court's job was in fact to be an independent check on executive and Congressional overreach.

Of course, politicians always try to spin reality in their favor. I don't blame them; it's the nature of the job. I blame us, the voting public, if we are stupid or gullible enough to not see through it.