Sunday, July 15, 2012

Obama's campaign

The country still has high unemployment, slow growth, a massive federal debt and a massive annual budget deficit, and states and cities in desperate financial straits, some even going bankrupt, and yet President Obama is apparent basing his campaign on attacking the work Mitt Romney used to do in the private sector more than a decade ago.

You might think the president would want to tell us his plans (he has some, surely) to reduce the federal deficit and federal debt, his plans (he has some, surely) to stimulate growth and new businesses, his plans (he has some, surely) to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear capability, his plans (he has some, surely ) for ....etc, etc.

Apparently he doesn't want to boast about ObamaCare (probably wise). Apparently he doesn't want to talk much about the bailouts, or the huge bonuses that some of of the bailed-out CEOs and traders got anyway (probably wise). Apparently he doesn't want to talk about the steps he has taken to prevent the banks from getting us into this sort of mess again (probably wise, because not much has really happened). Apparently he doesn't want to talk about his last campaign's promise to bring Washington together and work with the Republics (probably wise).

It is an interesting campaign, but it doesn't give me much confidence that the President will do any better for the nation in his second term than he did in his first term, or that he has any idea how to help the nation out of its current mess.