Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Recommended: First Thoughts - Can Boehner sell the emerging deal in the House?

The NBC News site has an interesting article today entitled First Thoughts: Can Boehner sell the emerging deal in the House? The article itself is intertesting, but especially interesting are the eight political factions they ideintify in the nation, from the "Bleeding Hearts" left through the "Talk Show Heads" right, and the accompanying quiz one can take to see where one's own political views fall on the spectrum (full disclosure, I rank as one of the "MBA middle", socially liberal and fiscally conservative).

The link to the quiz is at the end of the article, and also here.

Of particular intertest is the conclusion that the political middle in the nation as a whole is far larger than is popularly assumed, and far larger than the bitter polarization in Congress would lead one to expect.  But of course it doesn't really matter the composition of the electorate - what matter is the composition of the electorate that shows up on election day. Unfortunately, the ideological extremes tend to be more consistent in voting than the middle, so we seem to be getting more ideologically extreme representatives.  Hence the dysfunction in Congress.