Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fad issues

It’s amazing to me how the public can get so worked up about nonsensical issues they don’t even understand. We seem to have issue fads just like we have diet fads.

One of the current hot issues is about genetically-modified foods. Hello?  Nature has been making genetically modified foods for about 4 billion years, and still does so all around the world every day in every species  – that’s what evolution is all about (except for those whose religious ideology requires them, against all evidence, to believe otherwise).  The difference is that nature does it randomly, with sometimes terrible results (think flu or ebola or HIV epidemics), while humans do it carefully in an attempt to do something useful, like increase the vitamin or protein content of a food.

When microwave ovens first came out there was a big fuss about how dangerous the radiation was, mostly by people who didn’t know the difference between ionizing radiation (nuclear weapons) and non-ionizing radiation (light bulbs, fireplaces, microwave ovens). This GM issue is about as silly as that one was.