Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Recommended: The Race to be Wrong in Ferguson

In a world full of rabidly partisan talking heads – both liberal and conservative – it is refreshing to find the occasional cooler, thoughtful writer.  Jonah Goldberg, writing in RealClearPolitrics, is one of those.

I recommend his piece today The Race to be Wrong in Ferguson. I too have been amazed at how readily the press comes to firm conclusions on a matter for which there is so little evidence and none of it consistent.  And how quickly the usual professional racists, like the Rev Al Sharpton, are to claim white guilt and police brutality even before the facts are established.

Also worth reading are his recent piece The West's Gaza, in which he argues that the worldwide   jihadist movement may be to the West what Gaza is to Israel, a persistent threat with no easy or popular resolution.