Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Is the Iran agreement reasonable?

The worry many people (including myself) have had about the Iranian nuclear deal is that the American administration was too eager to get a deal, and gave away the farm in order to get an agreement. The revelation tonight by the Associated Press that, via a secret agreement (not the only one either, apparently, because it is labeled  "Separate Agreement II" -- what is "Separate Agreement I", one wonders?) between Iran and the IAEA, Iran will be allowed to inspect the Parchin nuclear site (suspected of having been used for nuclear weapons work)  WITH ITS OWN IRANIAN INSPECTORS!!!!!!  In other words, no foreign inspectors will be allowed to see the site.  Is that real verification? I think not.

Apparently this nuclear agreement, or at least key parts of it, actually depends on Iran doing its own verification! And if the president trusts that, then I have a bridge to sell him as well.......

What other quiet "side agreements" are there in this deal?

Until now I was more or less convinced that this deal was, if not great, at least acceptable.  But  apparently we haven't really seen all of the deal, and what is hidden may well be unacceptable. 

It will be interesting to see how the administration and its spin doctors try to handle this revelation.