Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My personal filters for presidential candidates

I have my personal filter for potential candidates for president of the United States.  For what it is worth, here it is:

A) I want someone who has actually governed before, actually met a budget and negotiated with a legislature and dealt with the sort of problems a government faces.  That means, in effect, I want someone who has at least governed a state before.  Reagan, Carter, Clinton and George W. Bush had all been governors.  Bush’s father, H. W. Bush had not been a governor before becoming  President,  but he had been Vice-President.  Obama had not been a governor or had any significant legislative experience before,  and it shows.  He still has absolutely no idea how to negotiate with Congress, not even with members of his own party.

This filter alone eliminates Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina  and Bernie Sanders, all the current front runners in both parties.

B) I want someone who is not a scientific ignoramus. I don’t require that they have a doctorate in a field of science, but that at least they understand the value of the scientific method and have some respect for widely-held views in the scientific community.  In particular, I have no interest in voting for anyone who, despite the overwhelming consensus among climate scientists, still believes climate change is a fraud.

This filter eliminates a number of those with governing experience, including Jeb Bush (governor of Florida) , Mike Huckabee (governor of Arkansas) , Mike Pence (governor of Indiana), and Rick Perry (governor of Texas).  Scott Walker (governor of Wisconsin)  and Bobby Jindal (governor of Louisiana)  are unknowns – they keep dodging the question.  It also eliminates Ben Carson, though he was already eliminated above.

C) I want someone who doesn’t have a religious agenda to force their own religious views on issues like abortion and gay marriage down everyone else’s throats.  That eliminates most of the remaining Republican contenders who haven’t already been eliminated by (A) and (B) above.

Notice that I haven’t even dealt yet with policy issues of substance, like fiscal policy or foreign affairs or immigration policy, and yet we have already eliminated almost everyone in the field.

Of the candidates currently in the field, the only contenders who look like they might possibly pass these three filters are Chris Christie (governor of New Jersey, but currently only a blip in the polls) and Vice President Joe Biden (and he hasn’t even decided to run yet).