Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Gee, liberals are upset…

Liberals are upset that Donald Trump’s administration is ramping up the deportation of illegal immigrants; that his administration is actually going to follow the law and deport people who aren’t supposed to be in the country, just like most other nations in the world do.  Following the law; what an outrageous concept! Certainly not something the Obama administration did with immigration.

Liberals are upset that Donald Trump is going to leave it to the states to decide the transgender  bathroom issue. What an outrageous concept – that perhaps Americans in different states are different enough that a big brother one-size-fits-all federal rule doesn’t work. That perhaps Colorado doesn’t see a problem with public marijuana smoking but Iowa might. That perhaps California is less up tight about bathrooms than Maine. That perhaps Wyoming worries less about gun ownership than New York. That perhaps not everyone in the nation agrees with liberal orthodoxy. Amazing! Who would have thought it?

Liberals are upset that Trump’s executive order barred Syrian immigrants for 120 days, while vetting procedures were reviewed. I guess they thought Obama had a better process – he barred almost all Syrian refuges for years. Liberals are also upset at the 50,000 a year cap on refugees, even though that was essentially the same cap under George Bush and under all but Obama’s last year in office.

Liberals are upset that Trump still wants to build a wall on the Mexican border.  I guess they object to his finishing the 700+ mile wall that the Obama administration already started. Oh, I guess if Obama did it is was OK, but if Trump does the same thing it is outrageous.

There are valid things to complain about in this new Trump administration, but the liberal complaints about just about everything he does are wearing thin, and making the liberal political class (and the liberal media that feeds on it) look pretty hypocritical.