Just to complicate things yet more, the latest release of
secret CIA documents from Wikileaks includes detailed discussions of how the
CIA copies the “fingerprints” of Russian and Chinese hackers and uses them in
their own hacking to cover their trail. Which means, in essence, that all the
claims the government has been making over the past few years about Russians or
Chinese being responsible for this or that hacking - including the hacking of
the Democratic campaign – are highly suspect.
If the CIA can leave misleading “fingerprints”, one assumes the Russians
and the Chinese can too, since they seem to be better at this that the US is. But in fact, it apparently could even have
been the CIA itself doing the hacking, or just about any other government or
Of course it is obvious that the Russians, the Chinese, the
French, the Israelis, a few of the wealthier criminal groups, and not a few
bored teenagers in their bedrooms have been hacking US government sites, just
as the CIA and NSA and the FBI and the Army and…and… and … are doing their best
to hack into foreign sites, including even those of our own allies. This whole “hacking”
issue is a distraction – yes, of course it goes on; we do it and they do it.
Get real!! Congressional outrage over
hacking is just useless political posturing.
Obama had eight years to get something effective done about
this problem, and to get the government to protect its secrets better. But even his Secretary of State (Hillary) was
using an unsecured server for classified material – hardly a good model for the
rest of the government.
Maybe Trump will do better. I notice that he is smart enough NOT to use electronic
messaging or email – except for Twitter when he wants to make something public.