Friday, May 19, 2017

The real disaster

Liberals, and especially the liberal media, are doing their best to convince us that the Trump administration is a disaster and that Trump ought to be removed from the presidency. I would suggest that if they succeed in destroying his presidency, that will bring on the real disaster. Certainly Trump is unorthodox, and he wouldn’t be my choice for the job, but he was elected because of the extreme reaction of a large portion of the voting public against a system they see as favoring the elites and neglecting the working people – as discussed in the book recommended in my previous post. If they succeed in destroying the Trump administration, I think the political reaction will be vicious, even more vicious than what is going on now, further poisoning the already poisonous political atmosphere in Washington  and I fear for the stability of our nation. Liberals in the Democratic Party need to pay attention to why they are losing elections and how they can recover their working class base, rather than just flailing away mindlessly at the Trump administration.

In fact, from where I sit, the disgusting and unseemly food fights in Congress and the media over things like whether the Russians tried to affect the election (of course they did, just as we try to influence their elections – get real!) or whether Comey ought to have been fired (yes, Obama should have fired him a long time ago) are childish distractions from the nation’s real problems – a massive and growing debt, crumbling infrastructure, growing income inequality, etc, etc.  This is a case of the media fighting over the arrangement of the deck chairs while the Titanic sinks.

If there is a disaster, it is that our political system is so broken that politicians are acting like cage fighters, bent on destroying each other at all costs, rather than acting like legislatures and running the country wisely. And that the media is participating in, and even fueling, this destructive behavior.