Friday, March 30, 2018

Recommeded: Washington’s Fantasies Are Not People’s Reality

Victor David Hanson has another of his blunt but accurate assessments, in his piece today Washington’s Fantasies Are Not People’s Reality. Ignore the hype and spin and partisan distortions and angst and (often fake) outrage and just look at what is actually happening in the world, and one gets a different picture then most of the media is pushing.

The media has been bemoaning the resignations and retirement of so many of the State Department's senior staff. My thought is that, looked at pragmatically, those people haven't done so well over the past few decades, leaving us mired in endless Middle East wars, repeatedly misreading and underestimating China, Russia and North Korea, among other notable failures. So perhaps it was past time they were retired and new younger blood infused into the Washington establishment.