Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Is it really racism?

I have noticed over the years that when people accuse someone else of something, the accusation often says more about the accuser than the accused.  In particular, it never occurs to people to accuse someone of something they themselves have never thought of doing . So people tend to accuse others of things that are already on their mind.

Recall, for example, the rabid Clinton supporters who worried publicly during the 2016 campaign that Trump might not accept losing the election and would work to subvert the new president. These seem to be the same people who, when in fact Trump won the election, were themselves unable to accept the fact that Clinton lost, and are still working to subvert Trump.

So what about the current fuss about Trump’s admonition to the four female House members that if they don’t like the United States they should leave it and go back to their countries of origin? Was that really racist, as so many claim?   It was certainly rude and aggressive, but in fact no ruder or more aggressive than things that these four have said recently about Trump.

It seems to me that in making this claim that Trump is racist they may be exposing the fact that they themselves are racist. For example, they all seem to support Senator Cory Booker’s proposal to pay reparations to African Americans whose ancestors were exploited as slaves. Not to the descendants of Asian Chinese immigrants who were exploited in the 1800’s to build the railroads. Not to the descendants of white Irish men who were exploited to build the nation’s canals. Not to the descendants of Eastern Europeans who were exploited in sweatshops in New York and San Francisco. But only to those of the African race – in other words only to those of a particular race. Isn’t that blatant racism? (And by the way,. most of us have ancestors somewhere in the past who were exploited by someone)

Or what about the persistent liberal attack on “white privilege”.  Not “privilege” itself, WHITE privilege. That sure sounds like a racially-tinged statement to me.

I certainly wish Trump would censor his Twitter posts and behave in a manner more suitable to his office, but I think the charge of “racism” is being overused. In fact I notice that just about anyone who disagrees with the far left agenda these days gets automatically labeled as racist , which suggest to me that the far left is itself far more racist than they would like to admit, or perhaps than they even realize.