Monday, April 13, 2020

The blame game

The mainstream media is having a field day blaming President Trump for America’s CORVID-19 fiasco. And Trump certainly has been a font of misinformation and vacillation throughout this event, but in fact just about EVERYBODY at the federal level has performed poorly during this pandemic. The FDA and CDC have slowed things down with bureaucratic inefficiency. It’s the FDA who won’t let Midwest ethanol producers use their perfectly good alcohol to make hand sanitizer, simply because it hasn’t passed some arcane rule.  It’s the CDC who insisted on using their own flawed test kits rather than using the well-tested World Health Organization kits. It the Navy that fired a perfectly good officer just because he embarrassed some of the top brass who were dragging their feet.

The World Health Organization insists it isn’t favoring the Chinese, even though they threw Taiwan out of the organization at China’s behest, and under pressure from China downplayed the pandemic for a couple of months to cover for China.

And although Trump was indeed a little slow recognizing the dangers, so were the leaders of most of the rest of the world’s nations, and a few still are in denial.

And then there is the media, who now are excoriating Trump for not closing down the nation soon enough, even though just a couple of months ago they were accusing him of overreacting and overstating the threat for political reasons.  Indeed, when he (wisely, in retrospect) barred travelers from China to the US at the end of January they labeled him racist and xenophobic.

So yes, Trump isn’t the ideal leader for this crisis, but no one else in the federal government, the political parties, or the media is looking very good either. There is more than enough blame to go around. Fortunately, the federal government has limited powers here and at least some of the state governors seem to have good heads on their shoulders. It makes a good argument for preserving the power of the states.