Tuesday, November 23, 2021


The administration, and the media, are still trying to pretend there is no border issue, even though October saw over 160,000 people caught trying to sneak across the border (and who knows how many more not caught), more than double the number a year ago. These are, of course, illegal immigrants. Obviously illegal because they didn't follow the immigration laws. But Democrats can't bring themselves to use the word "illegal", so now we have euphemisms to try to hide the reality. First we had "undocumented" immigrants, as if this were all just a bureaucratic mix-up with the paperwork. But even that apparently is too offensive to the woke community, so now we have "irregular" immigrants. No doubt "irregular" will soon be seen to be too discriminatory, and we will get a new euphemism.

Unfortunately, euphemisms, while they may temporarily help hide the problem, won't solve the problem.