If the government will take care of me in my old age, why should I save money now for my retirement? If welfare will pay my bills, why should I work? If hospital emergency rooms have to treat everyone, regardless of ability to pay, why should I spend money on insurance? If colleges give scholarships on the basis of need rather than aptitude, why should I put any money aside for my children’s college bills? If government policies make it hard to fire me, why should I try to excel in my work?
But the situation is far worse than that. Such programs are unsustainable in the long run. These days the demographics (an aging population) work against us. So having lured people into depending on the government instead of their own foresight and efforts, we will someday (perhaps soon) have to pull the rug out from under them because we can no longer afford to maintain these programs. That is the real immorality of such programs!
Remember, the road to hell is paved with good intentions…….