Friday, January 4, 2008

Alice in Wonderland?

Of course the Iowa caucuses are just the start of what will probably be a long primary battle for all the candidates, and the New Hampshire results will no doubt change the playing field again., but I see that the Republican winner is Gov. Mike Huckabee, who has stated in public, on national television, that based on his faith he doesn’t believe the theory of evolution, despite the accumulated evidence. As he said “"If you want to believe that you and your family came from apes, that's fine. I'll accept that. I just don't happen to think that I did." I assume that means he takes literally the Christian Bible’s creation story, and hence believes that the world is only about 6000 years old.

Now I don’t find it alarming that an individual would believe that – people believe all sorts of things against the evidence. I’m sure there are still ”flat earth” believers out there. And 500 years after Copernicus, the 2006 National Opinion Research Center's General Social Survey data show that of the 51,020 Americans polled, 18.3% or about one in five still believe the sun goes around the earth.

I do find it alarming that of the 120,000 Republicans who turned out for the caucus, 34% or about one in three would prefer a president who chooses personal belief over evidence. It’s not just that he happens not to be swayed by evidence that contradicts his beliefs – it’s that many of those people chose him precisely because he refuses to be swayed by the evidence. What does it mean when so many people will select a national leader specifically because he is not swayed by real-world evidence…?

So now I’m waiting for Alice and the white rabbit to appear…….