Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Michelle Obama

I have been listening to Michelle Obama’s speech this first night of the Democratic Convention. It’s interesting. I never trusted Hillary Clinton – however hard she tried, she always sounded like a politician saying whatever she thought her audience wanted to hear. Michelle is different. I could vote for her if she were running, precisely because she doesn’t sound like a politician – she sounds like a real person saying what she really believes.

Maybe that’s what appeals to me about McCain (whether in the end I vote for him or not) – he doesn’t seem afraid to say what he thinks, even if that isn’t what his audience wants to hear – like when he told Iowa farmers recently that he thought it was wrong to provide government subsidies to divert corn to ethanol production.

Maybe it’s just that I keep hoping that someday we will get a real statesman (or stateswoman) for a president, instead of a party politician.