Thursday, August 28, 2008

The T. Boone Pickens Plan

If you haven’t already run across it, may I suggest you go to the T. Boone Pickens website at and see what this oil billionaire is proposing as a solution to our energy problems. I’ve done a little preliminary checking, and find that his numbers are real and his proposal quite reasonable.

What is really interesting is that he is acutely conscious of how slowly the federal government moves, even in crisis, and how many vested interests have to be overcome to change our energy picture, and he has turned to the internet to build popular support for his proposals and motivate the politicians. Activist politics has clearly taken a new direction with the internet.

As he points out, it would take on the order of a trillion dollars to build a wind farm in the middle of the nation that could produce a significant proportion of our energy, but since we spend three-quarters of a trillion dollars on oil every year (most of that money going to nations that aren’t particularly our friends), it’s not an unreasonable investment. And his proposal to convert US automobiles to natural gas (of which we have plenty) is far easier and faster to achieve that the hydrogen-based proposals the government is currently funding, and far more efficient than the corn-based ethanol the government is currently subsidizing.