Monday, December 29, 2008

Anti-Semitism again

I see the world press is once again revealing its latent anti-Semitism. The news on the web from traditional news sources is reporting in gory detail the civilian casualties from Israel’s newest air strikes into Gaza, but saying little or nothing about the Hamas actions that provoked them.

Never mind that it was Hamas who decided to end the truce just before Christmas. Never mind that it was Hamas thugs who fired almost 70 rockets into Israel the next day, and who have fired over 3000 rockets into Israel over the past year when a truce was supposed to be in effect. Never mind that Hamas has been equipping a small army over the past year with illegally-supplied weapons (including rockets) from Syria and Iran. Never mind that while Israel targets Hamas facilities and fighters, Hamas rockets and suicide bombers deliberately target civilians.

I can imagine what would happen if thugs in Canada or Mexico fired 3000 rockets into the USA, or if neighbors fired rockets into England or France or Germany or China or Russia. The response would be swift and decisive.

The Arab world, of course, is outraged, but that is to be expected in the never-never land they seem to live in. What puzzles and dismays me is the one-sided response from the non-Arab world press, who ought to know better.

One might also note that far worse violence against civilians goes on every day in places like Africa without drawing any particular sustained interest or comment from the world press, so one can only assume there are racist overtones as well.