Saturday, January 3, 2009

Isn't it interesting....

“LONDON (Reuters) Jan. 3, 2009 – Thousands of chanting, banner-waving demonstrators marched in cities across Europe on Saturday to demand a halt to Israeli bombing in the Gaza Strip. Protests were held in Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Turkey as the Israeli offensive entered its second week, and before Israel confirmed ground forces had entered Gaza.”

Isn’t it interesting that a few hundred civilian deaths in Gaza can produce such an outpouring of opposition, yet tens of thousands of deaths in Africa (the 1994 Rwanda massacre involved about 800,000 deaths, the 2003 massacre in the Congo killed more than 1000 in one day, and the Uganda rebels killed more than 400 civilians just this past Christmas Day) cause hardly a ripple, and certainly don’t spark massive street demonstrations in Europe.

And isn’t it interesting that Muslim insurgents, suicide bombers, and militias killed an average of 25 civilians a day in Iraq in 2008 – around 10,000 over the year – without provoking street demonstrations in Europe. In 2007 they averaged about 67 per day – around 25,000 civilian deaths – and even that wasn’t enough to provoke demonstrations. Yet some 300-400 civilian deaths in Gaza (if we believe the higher estimate touted by Hamas) outrages Europe.