Saturday, January 10, 2009

With friends like this, who needs enemies?

This report from the New York Times appeared this evening on the web:
WASHINGTON – President George W. Bush rejected a plea from Israel last year to help it raid Iran's main nuclear complex, opting instead to authorize a new U.S. covert action aimed at sabotaging Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program, The New York Times reported.

Israel's request was for specialized bunker-busting bombs that it wanted for an attack that tentatively involved flying over Iraq to reach Iran's major nuclear complex at Natanz, where the country's only known uranium enrichment plant is located, the Times reported Saturday in its online edition. The White House deflected requests for the bombs and flyover but said it would improve intelligence-sharing with Israel on covert U.S. efforts to sabotage Iran's nuclear program.

The covert efforts, which began in early 2008, involved plans to penetrate Iran's nuclear supply chain abroad and undermine electrical systems and other networks on which Iran relies, the Times said, citing interviews with current and former U.S. officials, outside experts and international nuclear inspectors who spoke on condition of anonymity. The covert program will be handed off to President-elect Barack Obama, who will deciding whether to continue it.

I’m all for a free press, but surely this boarders on treason. Those current and former officials are clearly disclosing highly classified information, and ought to be prosecuted for it. And once again the New York Times is aiding and abetting the enemy just to get a good story. The last time was when the New York Times revealed that we were tracking Osama Bin Laden and some of his associates by their cell phones, thus instantly alerting them and rendering that technique useless.

With friends like this, who needs enemies?