Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hypocrisy is alive and well in Congress

Rep. Joe Wilson was chastised by the Democratic majority in a House "resolution of disapproval" for his short outburst during President Obama's health care speech. Wilson's outburst was certainly rude, but I find it interesting that all those Democrats who were so offended by it didn't find the boos that accompanied some of President Bush's speeches to Congress at all offensive -- indeed the boos came from Democrats. Apparently outbursts you agree with aren't rude, but those you disagree with are. Hypocrisy is alive and well in Congress.

PS. I have acquaintances who claim Democrats never booed President Bush. For those with conveniently short memories, President Bush was booed loudly and repeatedly by a number of people from the Democratic side of the House during his February 2, 2005 State of the Union speech.