Saturday, March 26, 2011

Perhaps we should be in the streets too....

I don't know.  As I watch one Arab nation after another take to the streets to oust incompetent kleptocracies, I can't help but wonder if we American's shouldn't be demonstrating in the streets too, to oust a Washington establishment in both parties that appears to have become completely out of touch with reality, and completely in the pockets of wealthy and influential  corporations, lobbyists and individuals.

As time goes on and Congress fiddles ineffectually while the deficit explodes and the president gets us into yet another expensive military action with no end game, I find myself more and more in sympathy with the Tea Party movement. Yes, there are some crazies in it, but I'm beginning to think I might prefer the occasional crazies in the Tea Party movement to the current Washington establishment if that would bring at least some semblance of sanity and reality back to our government.