Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Recommended: Down the Rabbit Hole

Adam Garfinkle has an interesting and relevant article in the March 22, 20111 online issue of The American Interest.  His article, Down the Rabbit Hole, makes the point that it is almost impossible to discern what the administration's policy or aims are in this Libyan intervention. One would think that now that we are engaged in two -- count them, TWO -- decades-long wars with no apparent exit strategy, and no meaningful foreign policy objectives, the administration might have had the sense not to get involved in a third one. But no, Obama has managed to follow the Bush administration into yet another briar patch, another extraordinarily expensive military adventure (Tomahawk missiles cost just over $1 million apiece, and we fired over 100 of them the first night !!!) with no apparent long-term strategy.

I look at our leadership in Washington with despair!   We face a budget deficit of about $2 TRILLION dollars this year alone, neither Congress nor the President seem to be able to muster the courage to make more than token budget cuts, and yet the administration can blow over $100 million in one night on a quixotic "intervention" in a tribally-based civil war whose cultural dynamics we don't even understand!  This is indeed "going down the rabbit hole".