Friday, April 8, 2011

Unfair attacks

Paul Krugman, the Noble Prize winning economist who has been trumpeting the liberal economic views recently, has an Op Ed in today's New York Times entitled Ludicrous and Cruel, in which he savagely attacks Republican Representative Paul Ryan's budget proposal. What is interesting is that while he details all sorts of things that are wrong with Ryan's proposal, he doesn't offer any serious counter proposal at all.  No doubt the Ryan proposal is flawed, but it at least addresses the magnitude of the deficit problem realistically.

It is notable that liberals like Krugman are apparently still in complete denial about the debt problem. Even President Obama's 2012 budget proposal, despite some words about cutting programs, really just locked in the substantial increases in federal spending that he put in place in his last budget. Deciding what to cut will be difficult, and requires a serious national debate, but it can hardly get started if the Democrats are determined to cut nothing.