Monday, April 25, 2011

Useless hysteria

Liberal commentators, bloggers and members of Congress, as well as the President himself, continue to make hysterical and largely unfounded assertions about Representative Ryan's budget proposal, claiming that it will impoverish millions of seniors, make untold numbers of little children homeless, and who knows what else.What is becoming clear to me is that behind this hysteria the Democrats themselves have no alternative proposal to get us out of our debt and deficits. It's not that their proposal isn't better - it is that they quite literally have NOTHING to propose.

I have heard absolutely nothing - NOTHING - from the Democrats or the President or any of the high-powered academic liberals that would solve this problem. Taxing the rich more does not solve the problem. Proposing budgets - as Obama has just  done - that don't cut federal spending does not solve the problem. Offhandedly dismissing warnings from the IMF and the S&P rating group doesn't solve the problem.  Ignoring the precipitous slide in the value of the dollar over the past few months doesn't solve the problem.

Ryan's proposal does have its flaws, and a rational debate about how to improve it would be useful to the nation. Outright war on the proposal with no credible alternative offered - as we are seeing from the Democrats - is downright irresponsible, not to say childish. Apparently the old saw that Democrats are the "tax and spend" party is still true.