Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A plague on both your houses

What is a voter to do?  Our choice this year seems to be between

Democrats, who clearly intend to do nothing about cutting spending and beginning to reduce the deficit, who have an unrealistic faith in the ability of government to fix anything, who are unwilling to consider cutting entitlement programs even though they are bankrupting the country, and who would dearly love to evolve America to a European model cradle-to-grave government-controlled society (notwithstanding how those societies in Europe are even now in the process of imploding from their ballooning social program costs),


Republicans, who are locked into an irrational absolutist mentality about not raising taxes to help reduce the deficit, who have an unrealistic faith in free market forces to fix anything, who are unwilling to consider cutting military spending even though we already spend more on our military than the next 20 nations combined, and who are full of loony, small-minded fundamentalist religious beliefs that they would like to foist on everyone else.

Do I exaggerate?  I wish I did, but in truth that is about what I see across the political landscape this year.

What is a voter to do?