Saturday, September 28, 2013

This is stupid

This impending government shutdown is stupid, and in fact both parties share the blame equally, whatever the public perception turns out to be.

It is stupid for the Tea Party to try to defund Obamacare – yes, it’s a ridiculous piece of legislation that the Democrats saddled us with that does nothing effective to address the health care issues, but trying to defund it in the face of a Democrat-controlled Senate and Presidency just isn’t a tactically smart way to deal with it.

It was stupid in the first place for Democrats to push through such a controversial piece of legislation (and with such hardball tactics) without bipartisan support.  It has poisoned the air in Washington politics ever since, produced the Tea Party, and made President Obama’s job just about impossible.  

It is stupid for the Democrats to refuse to address the growing federal deficit and debt, or even acknowledge that there might be a problem with borrowing so much money every year just to run the government.

It is stupid for the president to try to handle this situation by just making confrontational White House statements to the press, rather than getting his hands dirty negotiating with the Republicans to try to find some acceptable middle ground.

As near as I can tell, stupidity reigns supreme throughout Washington these days.