Monday, December 14, 2015

Cruz leading Trump

I see that Ted Cruz is now, in some polls, ahead of Donald Trump in Iowa.  That means the Trump media circus might be nearing an end (finally!), but on many issues Cruz is little better than Trump, though his public demeanor is certainly more serious.

On the Democratic side Hillary Clinton now seems to be walking away with the nomination, though it might all come unhinged if the FBI and Justice Department decide that having 999+ classified e-mails stored insecurely on one’s private server, against government security regulations, is enough for an indictment (that would be enough to put me in jail if I had done that).  But then, Washington insiders are almost never held accountable the way the rest of us are, and with a Democratic administration running things it seems likely they will brush this under the rug if they can – but it doesn’t make me happy to think of having Hillary for President.