Tuesday, August 16, 2016

More on Clinton

If it seems like I am focusing more on Clinton than on Trump, that is because by now it is obvious to a majority of people that he is thoroughly unsuitable for the office of president, whereas despite all odds there still seem to be a group of die-hard, yellow-dog Democrats who think Hillary would be a wonderful president. To those people I recommend Marc Thiessen's summary in today's Washington Post , excerpted below:
The problem is that Hillary Clinton is also morally unfit for any office, high or low. She is, to quote the late, great William Safire, a “congenital liar” who misled the American people about Benghzai, made false statements about not sending or receiving classified information on her private email server and continues to falsely assert that FBI Director James Comey said she was truthful — a claim The Post’s fact checker gave “Four Pinocchios” and PolitiFact gave a “Pants on Fire” rating.

Add to her dishonesty the cloud of corruption that hovers over her. Just look at the $26.4 million in speaking fees from foreign governments and corporations that Hillary and Bill Clinton failed to disclose — in violation of the ethics agreement the Clinton Foundation signed with the Obama administration before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state. Or the evidence that their speeches may have intersected with Hillary Clinton’s work at the State Department. Or the evidence that Hillary Clinton may have had off-the-books overseas meetings with Clinton Foundation donors at taxpayers’ expense. Or the recent email revelations that expose how Clinton Foundation donors got access at Hillary Clinton’s State Department. Or the allegation that the Clinton Foundation steered money improperly to for-profit companies owned by friends. The dossier of Clinton scandals is seemingly endless. Look at all this, and ask yourself whether you want someone like her in the Oval Office. 

And he doesn't even mention the older scandals (the Rose Law firm records that mysteriously disappeared from their offices and then mysteriously were found in the Clinton's White House family quarters, showing that Hillary had double charged some of her clients, or the $1000 investment she turned into $100,000 in a few months with "help" from a corporation who supported her husband, or the White House travel office issues, or, or, or, or.....).

It is amazing that the Republicans, who should have been able to win this election in a walk given the voter's tendency to change parties every eight years, and given the incredible weakness of Hillary as a candidate, seem nevertheless poised to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory".