Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Recommended: 6 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die

6 Feminist MythsThat Will Not Die. These are 6 widely quoted statistics that are just plain wrong.

It is not just these 6 statistics that are important, though they are important in their own right. It is the fact that the media is full of these pseudo-scientific facts and statistics peddled by one advocacy group or another to support their pitches.  And the public is gullible enough to believe them without any effort to check the original sources - where there even are any.

Some years ago it turned out that the popular claim  - still circulating - that everyone should drink 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy was thought up by a young Senate staffer on the basis of  no evidence whatever – he just needed such a fact to support a political pitch he was preparing for his Senator.  Many – perhaps even most - of the “facts” and statistics being wielded by both parties in this election are just as spurious.

People believe them, though, especially if they support a position that they already hold or want to believe. More fool they!