Friday, September 16, 2016

What "the deplorables" tells us about the nation's ruling elite

Hillary Clinton's "deplorables" outburst a week ago fits right in with Obama's 2008 dismissive "clinging to guns and religion" comment and George Romney's 2012 "47 percent" comment. What all of these comments from wealthy elites - Republican and Democrat alike - show is that they are completely intolerant of views and world views that differ from their own, and completely ignorant about the lives of millions of the people they aspire to lead.

I don't happen to be very religious, but I certainly don't think that those who are religious are deplorable.  I don't happen to be a gun owner, but I certainly don't think that owning a gun puts a person beyond the pale. I am personally fairly liberal in outlook, but I understand perfectly why some people would feel threatened by a massive influx of people from an entirely different culture, or by significant changes in the social contracts they grew up with.

But Clinton and Obama and Romney - wealthy and well-connected - are completely insulated from the real world, and for the most part completely unaffected by the very policies they are trying to put in place. And these comments simply demonstrate that.  Indeed, if anyone is "deplorable" in this situation, it is Obama and Romney and Clinton, and those like them.