Here is an interesting question: can democracy work in the
long run with an ignorant electorate?
Is the American electorate ignorant? The many surveys by
people like the Pew Research Group suggest so. A recent 2017 Pew poll revealed
that less than half the respondents knew that Neal Gorsuch is a Supreme Court
judge, despite all the fuss earlier in the year when he was appointed. Only
about a third knew the current unemployment rate. Only about 60% knew that the
UK was proposing to leave the EU. In a 2015 poll, only about a third knew that
water boils at a lower temperature at higher altitudes.
A 2014 Annenburg survey by the University of Pennsylvania
found that a third of the respondents couldn’t name a single one of the three
branches of government, and 42% had no idea which party held the majority in
the Senate. A recent Fusion poll showed that three quarters of Millennials (ages
18-34) had no idea who the Senators from their own state were. In a 2002 National
Geographic poll, only about 17% could find Afghanistan on a world map – even worse,
11% couldn’t find the USA on a world map and a third couldn’t find the Pacific
Ocean on a world map.
Sounds to me like an ignorant electorate. Hillary Clinton
made a big deal about winning the popular vote, but in fact the reality was
that she and Trump each got votes from about 30% of the voting-eligible population,
and the largest proportion – about 40% - didn’t bother to vote at all.
So now we have politicians like Bernie Sanders proposing economically
infeasible ideas like free college for all and free medical care for all, and
politicians like Donald Trump (if you can call him a politician) proposing tax
cuts at a time when we are running a half-trillion dollar a year federal
deficit and should be raising taxes to eliminate the deficit and pay down at
least some of the federal debt, and the uninformed voters seem to be buying it.
So with a voting population that is this uninformed (and perhaps
many politicians who aren’t much better educated), how can a democratic system
work? And especially how can it work in a world that has grown so complex and
It is an interesting question.