Saturday, December 2, 2017

Recommended: I’m A Liberal, And I Agree With Sean Hannity That American Journalism Is Dead

The Federalist has a piece by Saritha Prabhu, a part time freelance writer for the Nashville Tennessean, that sums up quite well what I have been saying about media bias. The piece is entitled I’m A Liberal, And I Agree With Sean Hannity That American Journalism Is Dead.

Media bias isn't new, and in fact it has been around all along, on both the left and the right. One can read history and find outright media bias back in the 1890's newspapers. But what is relatively new is (a) the almost complete dominance of mainstream print and TV media by the left, and (b) reporters and editors dropping any pretense of being even-handed, and becoming outright political activists, almost entirely for the left. Reporters used to at least make a pretense of being even-handed and objective, and if they didn't their editors would rewrite the story to make if look less partisan, as a matter of protecting the reputation of the newspaper or TV news show.. That standard seems to have gone by the wayside in this election. 

Of course, as Prabhu points out, if you agree with the bias it doesn't look like bias at all. So that we have this great liberal echo chamber running, in which reporters and Op Ed writers tell liberal readers what they want to hear and what they want to believe, and Democrats continue living in never-never land rather than facing up to their very real electoral problems and trying to figure out how to recover the voting base they lost in this last election.

Frankly, I'm disgusted by the whole thing. This administration has real problems, and needs an unbiased media to hold it to account (and so does the last administration, by the way). But the mainstream media has gone so far off the rails that it is thoroughly ineffective at this task. The left is deceived by the media, and the right no longer trusts it, so what is the point of it?