Sunday, December 31, 2017

Recommended: What We Don’t Talk about When We Talk about Russian Hacking

Distinguished Rutgers historian Jackson Lears has a good piece in the January London Review of Books entitled What We Don’t Talk about When We Talk about Russian Hacking. As he points out, liberals and the liberal media are still convinced  Russia somehow caused the election of Donald Trump, despite the fact that no evidence has yet emerged to support this claim. And he laments, as I do, that this narrative apparently has diverted liberals from the necessary self-examination as to why they really lost the election.

More than that, many liberals are actively hostile to any attempt to have a reasoned, evidence-based  discussion about this issue. It is part of the remarkably illiberal form of liberalism that has emerged recently, which includes shouting down campus speakers they don't agree with, and demonizing anyone who dares to question the reigning liberal orthodoxy.  This certainly isn't the liberalism I believe in.