Monday, February 26, 2018

What is really happening?

If one thinks about it, it is pretty hard to tell what is really happening in the nation, or even in the world.

At the topmost level most of the news media that reports on what is happening in newspapers, on the TV, on talk radio, or in the social media is highly biased toward either the liberal or the conservative side. They are biased not only in how they report and how they “spin” the news, but even more so in what they choose to emphasize and what they choose to ignore.

Below that the political “newsmakers” who provide the media with their sources are of course equally biased toward one side or the other, depending on their party affiliation. And of course a good deal of underground maneuvering and plotting goes on private among these politicians and their staffs and advisors and publicists and major donors in the brutal game of political power. So that what gets fed (or leaked) to the media is itself already suspect.

Then there is the layer of academics, think tanks, and government agencies who provide ammunition to the politicians for their maneuvering. These also distort or “spin” the facts not only to satisfy their own political and/or ideological views, but even more to advance their own institutional powers and budgets. So that what gets fed (or leaked) to the political newmakers in the first place is also already suspect.

And below that is the shadowy world of intelligence agencies, insider trading, covert arms dealers, criminal enterprises, terrorist cells, and corporate maneuvering, which work hard to cover or distort or mask their real activities, often by disseminating disinformation which gets accepted readily by the credulous, including even sometimes the professional intelligence agencies.

All of which makes me think of what a good magician does when he or she distracts the audience with one hand while the real action is happening in the other hand.  I have the same sense about today’s news – how much is real and how much has been manufactured to support some shadowy purpose, or to distract us from what is really happening?  Certainly enough has been revealed over the past few decades to support this suspicion, from the torrent of partisan (and often incorrect) leaks during and since the last election to the supposedly-scientific studies the tobacco industry sponsored in the 1960s and 1970s to prove their product was safe.

We humans are gullible. It would be wise to remember that