Monday, September 17, 2018

Pity the next liberal Supreme Court nominee

The current battle over Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court has gotten about as dirty as it can get. Between Senator Cory Booker’s fake “I’ll release confidential documents no matter the consequences to me” grandstanding (the documents weren’t confidential, and in any case he had cleared their release with the Committee Chairman that very morning) , Senator Kamala Harris’ setup photo of Kavanaugh not shaking the hand of the parent of a Parkland shooting victim (Harris arranged for photographers to witness the parent ambushing Kavanaugh as he was leaving the Committee room, and his security people naturally moved him away from this possibly hostile stranger they didn’t know), and Senator Pelosi’s editing Kavanaugh’s words to make it appear he said something he didn’t say, things seemed about as dirty as they could get.

Now we have, suddenly and at the last minute, the convenient appearance of someone who claims Kavanaugh tried to assault her back in high school. This is a wonderful ploy, because of course there is no evidence to either support or refute her claim, and in today’s politically-correct world the fundamental principle of English law, that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty, has long since been abandoned. So simply the insinuation, the possibility, that this might be true may be enough to destroy a man’s career.

These nominations have been getting dirtier and dirtier ever since Senator Ted Kennedy in 1987 shamelessly smeared nominee Robert Bork in a nationally televised speech, asserting that Bork held extremist views that Bork in fact had never held. That set the standard, and the Supreme Court nomination process ever since then has been getting dirtier and dirtier.

Whether Democrats manage to derail the Kavanaugh nomination with this ploy or not, you can bet that Republicans will remember this the next time there is a Democrat in the White House and she/he nominates a liberal judge for the Supreme Court. What goes around comes around. Pity that nominee.