Saturday, July 30, 2011

Recommended: President Obama Is No Longer Tethered To Reality

Peter Ferrara at Forbes has an interesting article - President Obama Is No Longer Tethered To Reality. As the title suggests, his article is not very complementary to President Obama. Nevertheless, he is right on most of the points he makes. President Obama's continuous far-left class warfare is not grounded in reality. About the only detail I can fault him on is neglecting to mention that although the US corporate tax rate is one of the highest in the world (true), the real rate many big corporations pay is far less because of all the special interest tax breaks and exemptions politicians (of both parties) have given them over the years.

I have no doubt President Obama, and many of his liberal supporters, believe all the urban myths they are promulgating. One of the serious flaws in our political system is that a basic understanding of economics, and a basic trust of data, are not among the qualifications for elected federal office. In fact, a majority of federal legislators are lawyers, not a field noted in recent years for caring a great deal about truth.